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The list below was last updated in 2007, and I could probably run most of these games now in DOSBox, on my new PC (I actually changed a couple since 2007). In that sense, take the list and comments with a grain of salt. I'm always interested to include some noteworthy QBasic game I missed in the past, so don't hesistate to contact me.

The game is on German and the game objective escapes me.

Acalypha ver.0.8
It's impossible to bypass DS4QB which the game uses and which usually doesn't work in Windows XP (DS4QB is a 32-bit library so therefore DOSBox doesn't help).

The problem of 'DQBsetFrameRate' routine (it doesn't function in Windows XP, freezes the program) and/or the program uses DS4QB which can't be bypassed and doesn't work in Windows XP.

Another World Memory
A game by me (Lachie Dazdarian).

ATTE2 by Aleksander Trojanowski
A problem with XMS memory detection in Windows (DOSBox runs the game but too slow on my crummy PC). Shortcuts, EMS Magic and VDMSound don't help.

Ball Blazing Fantasy
A game by me (Lachie Dazdarian).

Classic Checkers by Dave Stanley
It's impossible to bypass DS4QB which the game uses and which usually doesn't work in Windows XP (DS4QB is a 32-bit library so therefore DOSBox doesn't help).

Cobra by Future Software
A problem with FutureLib and VESA compatibility. Usage of VDMSound and the VESA patch doesn't help. It might be my video card (ATI 3D Rage Pro), but I can run some other SVGA QBasic games (like TubeMaster).

Connect 4 QB by WisdomDude
The game can only be played via modem connection (it won't even start if an connection is not established). That's really silly.

I can't accomplish the game objective (pick up the boxes or anything). I'm puzzled. I might be missing something, but I've tried everything.

Detective Academy
A game by me (Lachie Dazdarian).

Distant Promises Demo 2
Unknown reason. The game freezes upon starting. I get a 'String space corrupt' error message if I run it in DOSBox.

Dungeon Of Doom
A problem with QBasic reading the game's files (they feature spaces). DOSBox doesn't help. The game starts fine, but interrupts on one point. I'm puzzled.

Final Fantasy VII Cards
A problem with FutureLib and VESA compatibility. Usage of VDMSound and the VESA patch doesn't help. It might be my video card (ATI 3D Rage Pro), but I can run some other SVGA QBasic games (like TubeMaster).

The game doesn't function properly (VESA FutureLib problem). The screen in not displayed properly (though the program doesn't crash my computer).

Hameroid by SBM Productions
It's impossible to bypass DS4QB which the game uses and which usually doesn't work in Windows XP (DS4QB is a 32-bit library so therefore DOSBox doesn't help).

I'm looking for the full version (originally released as shareware by TopGun Software). If full version is not available for free the game won't be included in the directory.

Mythology Quest
Unfinished game crawling with bugs (I will probably exclude it from the directory). Prince Of Persia clone.

Pong Worz
A game by me (Lachie Dazdarian).

Pyro 2
Two players only Bomberman clone. One file is corrupted so I have to re-download the game and check if the archive was uploaded with this corrupted file.

Quest For The King
The game freezes every now and them and I can't load a previously saved game. I might exclude the game because the bugs are terribly annoying.

It's impossible to bypass DS4QB which the game uses and which usually doesn't work in Windows XP (DS4QB is a 32-bit library so therefore DOSBox doesn't help).

Raven The Joyo Commando
I have BETA TWO 2000 version and it doesn't feature any kind of delay routine. The game doesn't slowdown even if I use the biggest possible slowdown with the SLOWDOWN.COM utility or CPU Grabber. I want to murder someone.

Rocket Fuel Mayhem
A game by me (Lachie Dazdarian).

Run Em Over
A game by me (Lachie Dazdarian).

Secret Of Cooey 3 Demo
It's impossible to bypass DS4QB which the game uses and which usually doesn't work in Windows XP (DS4QB is a 32-bit library so therefore DOSBox doesn't help).

Shadow Of Power
The game is relying on some 32-bit application to start which doesn't work in Windows XP.

VGames' puzzle game. The game runs too fast on my PC. It doesn't feature a title screen, instructions, nor a documentation. Give me a break!

It's impossible to bypass DS4QB which the game uses and which usually doesn't work in Windows XP (DS4QB is a 32-bit library so therefore DOSBox doesn't help).

SonicX-treme V(10) Beta
Troublesome EMS or sound routines for Windows XP. A badly packed demo.

Stick Fighters
The worst packed game ever. The installation program sucks. If anyone has this game installed and in better shape (easier to start) let me know. I gave up.

A shareware game with limited content. It features an encrypted zip file for the registered users. If I don't find a freeware version it's going to be excluded from the directory since it's not worth it. It was released as shareware more than a decade ago.

Super Sumo
It's impossible to bypass DS4QB which the game uses and which usually doesn't work in Windows XP (DS4QB is a 32-bit library so therefore DOSBox doesn't help).

Tank War
A shareware game with limited content. It features an encrypted zip file for the registered users. It was released as shareware more than a decade ago. I might add it sometime in the future.

Water Quest 1
The game freezes on text messages in Windows while text messages don't appear in DOSBox. I might exclude the game from the directory.