The list below was last updated in 2007, and I could probably run most of these games now in DOSBox, on my new PC (I actually changed a couple since 2007). In that sense, take the list and comments with a grain of salt. I'm always interested to include some noteworthy QBasic game I missed in the past, so don't hesistate to contact me. |
| The game is on German and the game objective escapes me.
Acalypha ver.0.8
| It's impossible to bypass DS4QB which the game uses and which usually doesn't work in Windows XP (DS4QB is a 32-bit library so therefore DOSBox doesn't help).
| The problem of 'DQBsetFrameRate' routine (it doesn't function in Windows XP, freezes the program) and/or the program uses DS4QB which can't be bypassed and doesn't work in Windows XP.
Another World Memory
| A game by me (Lachie Dazdarian).
ATTE2 by Aleksander Trojanowski
| A problem with XMS memory detection in Windows (DOSBox runs the game but too slow on my crummy PC). Shortcuts, EMS Magic and VDMSound don't help.
Ball Blazing Fantasy
| A game by me (Lachie Dazdarian).
Classic Checkers by Dave Stanley
| It's impossible to bypass DS4QB which the game uses and which usually doesn't work in Windows XP (DS4QB is a 32-bit library so therefore DOSBox doesn't help).
Cobra by Future Software
| A problem with FutureLib and VESA compatibility. Usage of VDMSound and the VESA patch doesn't help. It might be my video card (ATI 3D Rage Pro), but I can run some other SVGA QBasic games (like TubeMaster).
Connect 4 QB by WisdomDude
| The game can only be played via modem connection (it won't even start if an connection is not established). That's really silly.
| I can't accomplish the game objective (pick up the boxes or anything). I'm puzzled. I might be missing something, but I've tried everything.
Detective Academy
| A game by me (Lachie Dazdarian).
Distant Promises Demo 2
| Unknown reason. The game freezes upon starting. I get a 'String space corrupt' error message if I run it in DOSBox.
Dungeon Of Doom
| A problem with QBasic reading the game's files (they feature spaces). DOSBox doesn't help. The game starts fine, but interrupts on one point. I'm puzzled.
Final Fantasy VII Cards
| A problem with FutureLib and VESA compatibility. Usage of VDMSound and the VESA patch doesn't help. It might be my video card (ATI 3D Rage Pro), but I can run some other SVGA QBasic games (like TubeMaster).
| The game doesn't function properly (VESA FutureLib problem). The screen in not displayed properly (though the program doesn't crash my computer).
Hameroid by SBM Productions
| It's impossible to bypass DS4QB which the game uses and which usually doesn't work in Windows XP (DS4QB is a 32-bit library so therefore DOSBox doesn't help).
| I'm looking for the full version (originally released as shareware by TopGun Software). If full version is not available for free the game won't be included in the directory.
Mythology Quest
| Unfinished game crawling with bugs (I will probably exclude it from the directory). Prince Of Persia clone.
Pong Worz
| A game by me (Lachie Dazdarian).
Pyro 2
| Two players only Bomberman clone. One file is corrupted so I have to re-download the game and check if the archive was uploaded with this corrupted file.
Quest For The King
| The game freezes every now and them and I can't load a previously saved game. I might exclude the game because the bugs are terribly annoying.
| It's impossible to bypass DS4QB which the game uses and which usually doesn't work in Windows XP (DS4QB is a 32-bit library so therefore DOSBox doesn't help).
Raven The Joyo Commando
| I have BETA TWO 2000 version and it doesn't feature any kind of delay routine. The game doesn't slowdown even if I use the biggest possible slowdown with the SLOWDOWN.COM utility or CPU Grabber. I want to murder someone.
Rocket Fuel Mayhem
| A game by me (Lachie Dazdarian).
Run Em Over
| A game by me (Lachie Dazdarian).
Secret Of Cooey 3 Demo
| It's impossible to bypass DS4QB which the game uses and which usually doesn't work in Windows XP (DS4QB is a 32-bit library so therefore DOSBox doesn't help).
Shadow Of Power
| The game is relying on some 32-bit application to start which doesn't work in Windows XP.
| VGames' puzzle game. The game runs too fast on my PC. It doesn't feature a title screen, instructions, nor a documentation. Give me a break!
| It's impossible to bypass DS4QB which the game uses and which usually doesn't work in Windows XP (DS4QB is a 32-bit library so therefore DOSBox doesn't help).
SonicX-treme V(10) Beta
| Troublesome EMS or sound routines for Windows XP. A badly packed demo.
Stick Fighters
| The worst packed game ever. The installation program sucks. If anyone has this game installed and in better shape (easier to start) let me know. I gave up.
| A shareware game with limited content. It features an encrypted zip file for the registered users. If I don't find a freeware version it's going to be excluded from the directory since it's not worth it. It was released as shareware more than a decade ago.
Super Sumo
| It's impossible to bypass DS4QB which the game uses and which usually doesn't work in Windows XP (DS4QB is a 32-bit library so therefore DOSBox doesn't help).
Tank War
| A shareware game with limited content. It features an encrypted zip file for the registered users. It was released as shareware more than a decade ago. I might add it sometime in the future.
Water Quest 1
| The game freezes on text messages in Windows while text messages don't appear in DOSBox. I might exclude the game from the directory.