This is a list of games you can't run without VDMSound or DOSBox in Windows and some even at all. Have in mind that some of the problems I encountered with few games might not occur on your PC. Games tagged with (!) are those one with critical incompatibility (troublesome games) where simple running with VDMSound doesn't help. ********************** ********************** Arkanoid - The game needs VDMSound to work (it's ran through a batch file, but it also requires EMS memory). Arrakis - The game might need VDMSound in Windows 2000/NT or in general (a problem of sound routines compatibility and turning the sounds off). Asteroids - The game needs DOSBOX (doubtful palette routine doesn't fadein the faded out screen if you run the game from Windows). This problem might not occur on your PC. ATTE - The game needs VDMSound (the game starts with a batch file that loads specific MIDI drivers, but it also requires XMS/EMS memory). ATTE2(!) - The game needs VDMSound, but you will probably need to use DOSBOX on most today PCs (inability of the program to detect emulated XMS memory). ATTE3 Alpha - The game needs VDMSound (the game starts with a batch file that loads specific MIDI drivers but the game also requires XMS/EMS memory) Bakuen Sakuru(!) - The game needs VDMSound (VESA compatibility problem and sound) and it's possible you'll even need DOSBox to run it on YOUR PC. Black Hole - You might need VDMSound to run the game in Windows 2000/NT. BomberZone(!) - The game needs DOSBox to run (a problem with the compatibility of VESA routines). Candle In The Winds - The game needs DOSBox to run (a problem with path recognition in Windows) Cartman - The game might need VDMSound in Windows 2000/NT (MIDI drivers recognition problem). Confaive - The game needs DOSBox to work (mouse cursor won't appear if you run the game in Windows). This might not occur on your PC. Cyber Chick - You might need to use DOSBox since the game uses EMS routines that don't work on all PCs with Windows installed (the game worked fine on my PC). EMS Magic might be a solution for running the game in NTVDM (Windows MS-DOS emulation). Dynamic(!) - Most likely you will need DOSBox to run the game (the game uses not very compatible VESA routines powered by FutureLib). Factory John - The game needs VDMSound (the game is in source code but also requires EMS). Gaia Craving - The game needs VDMSound (the game starts with a batch file that loads specific MIDI drivers, but it also requires XMS/EMS memory). Herland(!) - The game requires DOSBox to work (it uses problematic VESA routines to enable hi-res graphics). The game might run fine on your PC outside DOSBox, but it's a gamble. Johhny Abbot 1&2 - The game might need VDMSound in Windows 2000/NT (MIDI drivers recognition problem). Kingdom Of Lalore(!) - The game needs DOSBox to run (unknown reason; the game is not compiled). K*M*S - The game needs DOSBox to work (mouse cursor won't appear if you run the game in Windows). This might not occur on your PC. KunioKun(!) - You will probably need DOSBox to run this game because it uses FutureLib, requires EMS memory, it's not compiled and it's poorly coded (resolutions jumps). Little Pixy 2, The - The game might need DOSBox to run because the program has problems in recognizing XMS memory even if you allocate it with a shortcut. EMS Magic fixes this, so that's an alternative. Masteoids - The game might need VDMSound in Windows 2000/NT (MIDI drivers recognition problem). MineSweeper - The game needs DOSBox to work (mouse cursor won't appear if you run the game in Windows). This might not occur on your PC. Oytkator's Plans - The game needs DOSBox to work (mouse cursor won't appear if you run the game in Windows). This might not occur on your PC. PHAT Professional Burglar - You might need VDMSound to run the game in Windows 2000/NT. PromZone - The game needs VDMSound (the game starts with a batch file that loads specific MIDI drivers, but it also requires EMS memory). Puzzle Bomber +(!) - You will most likely need DOSBox to run the game because it's not compiled, but also uses EMS memory and VESA graphic mode (powered by FutureLib). Quines - The game needs DOSBox to work (mouse cursor won't appear if you run the game in Windows). Riders Of Rohan - The game needs DOSBox to run (problem with path recognition in Windows). I'm puzzled. TubeMaster(!) - The game might give you problems since it runs in hi-res VESA mode. It ran fine on my PC (Windows XP; ATI 3D Rage Pro video card). Tetris 2.0 - The game might need VDMSound in Windows 2000/NT (MIDI drivers recognition problem). Tetris - The game might need VDMSound in Windows 2000/NT (MIDI drivers recognition problem). Secret Of Cooey I, II - The game might need VDMSound in Windows 2000/NT (MIDI drivers recognition problem). Siege Of Gondor - The game needs DOSBox to run (problem with path recognition in Windows). Sokoban ver.1.1 - VDMSound recommended since the game screen might get messed up in Windows (doesn't influence on the gameplay). This is an ASCII graphic game. Space Commando - The game might need VDMSound in Windows 2000/NT (MIDI drivers recognition problem). Space Invaders by Future Software - You will most likely need to run the game in DOSBox since it uses troublesome FutureLib VESA routines. Space War - The game might need VDMSound in Windows 2000/NT (MIDI drivers recognition problem). Suds Skins - The game might need VDMSound in Windows 2000/NT (MIDI drivers recognition problem). Sumo - The game needs VDMSound. You can't turn off the music and sound. Super Bricks(!) - The game needs DOSBox to work with correct palette (VESA compatibility problem). The game can start with VDMSound and VESA option, but not in the correct palette. Star Wars Card Game(!) - The game uses VESA graphic mode so you might have problems running the game in Windows (I didn't on my PC, but it most likely depends on your video graphic card). Tank Wars Gold Edition(!) - The game uses VESA hi-res graphic so it's a bit unstable to run it in Windows (starting and exiting it). It might not run at all on your PC (DOSBox doesn't help on my PC). ThunderBugs 2 - The game needs DOSBOx (runtime error is reported if you run it in Windows). Troopers - In Windows the graphic is not displayed properly though the game is playable. DOSBox solves the problem. The problem might depend on your hardware (I suspect it's a problem of reading emulated XMS or EMS memory in Windows). WaterQuest Legend 1 - You will most likely need DOSBox to run the game, but I also recommend DOSBox to set the game speed easily, which is cumbersome to set otherwise. ********************** **********************